Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions our partners have had before signing up for Digital Perks. If you've got a question that's not on the list, then please get in touch.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A. We have taken the time to listen to what both employers and staff want from a rewards platform. We’ve added best in market offers and made the platform user friendly and easy to implement.

This is the best bit! Once you’ve completed the sign up process and added your employees details, your work is done. If you have over 20 employees, you can import them in a single spreadsheet!

A. You can register a minimum of 5 employees and there is no maximum number. You can add and remove employees each month as your staff number changes.

A. Pricing is simple, we charge from less than £1 per employee per month.
A. Yes of course, if you would like us to show you all of the features and benefits of using the system, please contact us to arrange a demo.
A. You will have access to a dashboard which will show you at a glance how engaged your employees are, how much they are saving and the most popular rewards.